Tuesday, September 27, 2011



Monday, September 12, 2011

Blackberry Picking!

One of my favorite things to do during the summer is PICKING!
& it's time to pass the love along...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remember, Honor, & Appreciate 9-11-01

Today is a Day to Remember, Honor, & Appreciate. Remember what happened, those who never came home to family, those who unselfishly saved lives & sacrificed their own lives to help. Honor those who fight & sacrifice for our Freedom and Protect us every day. And Appreciate the life you live, the family you love, & the Nation that holds it together.

"For the husband who told his wife I love you one last time before his plane went in a field. For the wife who stopped in the stairs to call her husband to say I will love you forever. For the mothers/fathers who never returned home. For the 1st responders who helped get others out only to die themselves. And for our American Troops who fought back & are continuing to fight this battle overseas 10 years later. Today, tomorrow, ten years from now, we will ALWAYS remember. ♥" Unknown

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Healthy Snacks

So I'm all about the healthiest snacks for my son and these are some of my FAVORITES as well as his.....

FRUIT!! I love putting them in these fun shapes

these snacks are a better choice then Chicken Nuggets!!

I LOVE these! I can take them anywhere, & Noah just sucks on it like a straw

I love Stonyfield, & even more that they make yogurt for babies! My FAV thing to do is put them in http://www.infantino.com/product.cfm?product_id=1303

Dried Green Beans!!! Which you can find @ any health food store. My son LOVES these & they are supper good for him and easy to pack!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Shit Happens lol

Every Morning Noah wakes up and I take his diaper off so he can "air out". You may be wondering, doesn't he pee and poo? Well pee yes, but he doesn't poo in the morning... until today. He was without his diaper for 1 minute and when I looked over their was POOP all over the floor. I pick him up, clean him and the floor, put a diaper on him and go back to my regular morning routine... but why am I still smelling poop!? I take him back to his changing table, check his diaper and then look in the mirror.... low and behold I have POOP ON MY FACE!... MY ARM... and then I realize Noah had poop on his HANDS!!!!!! OMG gross!!!!! You know I'm getting use to all this mommy stuff when I didn't freak out, I laughed and cleaned it up.

When I watched the move Life as we Know it I laughed b/c I thought to myself, how did she not know she had shit on her face! Well now I get it, and yes IT DOES HAPPEN! LMAO

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Please Help

Please Donate to the "Chip In" Below or go to... http://loveinatimeofwar.chipin.com/duncan-fund and Send a care package to the Troops who lost items in a fire, which also took the lives of 3 Marines. This hits very close to home for me on a personal note, so please I'm trying to get the word out. Do what you can to help!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011


mmmm, this looks amazing!


U.S.MetricConversion chart
  • 2 ounce(s) semisweet chocolate, chopped
  • 1/2 cup(s) heavy cream
  • 1 (1-pound) frozen pound cake, preferably Sara Lee, thawed
  • 1/4 cup(s) creamy or chunky peanut butter, not natural
  • 1/3 cup(s) marshmallow fluff
  • 1 tablespoon(s) unsalted butter, softened


  1. Put the chocolate in a small heatproof bowl. In a small saucepan, heat the cream until hot to the touch. Pour the cream over the chocolate and let stand until melted. Whisk until smooth.
  2. Preheat a griddle or large skillet. Using a serrated knife, trim off the top and bottom of the pound cake so that the cake is about 1 1/4 inches thick. Carefully split the pound cake in half horizontally. Spread the peanut butter on one half and the marshmallow on the other, leaving a 1/2-inch border all around. Sandwich the two halves together and spread the top and bottom with the butter. Place on the griddle and cook over high heat, turning once, until golden and nearly warmed through, about 2 minutes. Transfer to a work surface and cut the cake into twelve 3/4-inch-wide strips. Serve at once with the chocolate sauce.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Well, I'm in LOVE with these shoes... and many others lol. The only issue is pumps/heels screw up my feet :/ I'm on the hunt for these to add to my collection

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


So I'm obsessed w/professional photos, just not the price. So I have decided to fiddle around with editing photos and if I really get into it, I'll buy a really good camera. So here are a few of my first attempts at editing photos!
Whatcha Think?

Monday, July 11, 2011

By far the cutest shoes EVER.
Not sure if I should get them for Noah,
oooor just wait for the next child lol

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Daddy's Day

First Father's Day

To my wonderful husband, who is the BEST father I could ever have for my children. He is an amazing daddy who will do anything for his little boy. He enjoys taking care of Noah, playing with him, and watching Noah grow and learn. I can't wait for many more Father's Day with him. I love him with all my heart and am so very blessed.

This is my favorite picture of my Daddy and me. He always made me feel loved and safe. I have always been a daddy's girl and at the age of 25 I still am... even though he drives me NUTz! lol. He has the BIGGEST heart of any man I have ever known, he's honest and innocent and I admire that about him. Thanks daddy for taking me fishing, doing my hair for school when mom wasn't around, teaching me to ride a bike, showing me how to treat others, to be non-judgemental, laughing at me when I would have a hangover and tell me I should learn my lesson, thanks for letting me LIVE & LEARN, thank you for walking me down the "aisle" at my wedding, for holding me when I had horrible heart burn while I was pregnant and Kevin couldn't be there. Thanks for being my Daddy.

Oh California, how I love thee

I have been to So.Cal 3x already and I love it each time, but I have always wanted to go up North! A wine tour, hike the along the redwoods, have coffee in San. Fran... and it's finally going to happen! Last week Kevin(my husband) & I went to CA to see his brother. It reminded me how much I enjoy visiting(not living) in that state. Well here are some fun pictures of our 3rd trip out!!

Balboa Park was really beautiful. Check out the roots on this tree!!

And if you want a GREAT breakfast place in San Diego go to this place!!!!


The purpose of this Blog is to archive all things I like with a SPLASH of my life. Welcome to my Family!