Saturday, June 18, 2011

Daddy's Day

First Father's Day

To my wonderful husband, who is the BEST father I could ever have for my children. He is an amazing daddy who will do anything for his little boy. He enjoys taking care of Noah, playing with him, and watching Noah grow and learn. I can't wait for many more Father's Day with him. I love him with all my heart and am so very blessed.

This is my favorite picture of my Daddy and me. He always made me feel loved and safe. I have always been a daddy's girl and at the age of 25 I still am... even though he drives me NUTz! lol. He has the BIGGEST heart of any man I have ever known, he's honest and innocent and I admire that about him. Thanks daddy for taking me fishing, doing my hair for school when mom wasn't around, teaching me to ride a bike, showing me how to treat others, to be non-judgemental, laughing at me when I would have a hangover and tell me I should learn my lesson, thanks for letting me LIVE & LEARN, thank you for walking me down the "aisle" at my wedding, for holding me when I had horrible heart burn while I was pregnant and Kevin couldn't be there. Thanks for being my Daddy.

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