Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remember, Honor, & Appreciate 9-11-01

Today is a Day to Remember, Honor, & Appreciate. Remember what happened, those who never came home to family, those who unselfishly saved lives & sacrificed their own lives to help. Honor those who fight & sacrifice for our Freedom and Protect us every day. And Appreciate the life you live, the family you love, & the Nation that holds it together.

"For the husband who told his wife I love you one last time before his plane went in a field. For the wife who stopped in the stairs to call her husband to say I will love you forever. For the mothers/fathers who never returned home. For the 1st responders who helped get others out only to die themselves. And for our American Troops who fought back & are continuing to fight this battle overseas 10 years later. Today, tomorrow, ten years from now, we will ALWAYS remember. ♥" Unknown

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